Anatomy Stripped Down

April 2022 - July 2022

Written: 17 October 2022


This project was started due to a request by the Fontys Hogeschool's MBRT (Medical Imaging and Radiotherapeutic Techniques) department. One of their students' goals is to learn the names (in Latin and Dutch/English) and locations of the bones in the human body, but the currently used ways of learning these is very dated. Students would have to look at low quality drawings and play connect-the-dots with numbers on the image. Our task was to put this information in an easy-to-read format, and provide some form of gamification to make the learning process more enjoyable.


The most important piece of the program is the 3D skeleton viewer. This scene allows you to look around a 3D model of the skeleton, and select any bone in the body. Selected bones display their Latinized name, name in the local language (English or Dutch), and various points of interest of the bone. Selected bones can be isolated to get a better view, and you can toggle off the points of interest. Bones can also be manually searched via the search bar using their Latin or local name.

Aside from the 3D viewer, there are currently two minigames available that may supplement the learning experience. The first game is a memory-variant where you have to find the correct pair of latin and localized name. The other is an incomplete quiz game.

My Contributions

I was tasked with creating the 3D viewer and it's systems, and created the memory minigame as well. Aside from those, i also did other small tasks such as the language switcher and scene manager.

Using the Unity Input System package i created the 3D viewer controls. I worked to create an intuitive control scheme for both PC and mobile users. Besides the controls, i also developed the systems for displaying points of interest, and set up an LOD script to lessen the load of the high detail models. Both of these required lots of editor scripting to help setting up the info.

For the memory game i reused the 3D viewer's controls and systems. The possible pairs that can appear can be configured in the options menu. So you can turn off all the cards about the torso for instance.


Besides myself, our team consisted of 3 other developers and 6 artists. They are:

Julian Snelders - Web developer

Red Rutgers - UI developer

Jim van der Heijden - Gameplay developer

Luciano Ummels - 3D artist

Salman Mohamed - 3D artist

Shannon Kremers - UI artist

Danny van Zoggel - UI artist

Freek Smulders - Artist

Mike Meurkens - Artist